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Financial management at the enterprise

Financial management at the enterprise

4300.00 RUB
8600.00 RUB


Providing an enterprise with a sufficient amount of financial resources for its constant development, financial stability, solvency, minimizing the level of financial risks and maximizing profits through the effective use of its assets are today the main conditions for the stable functioning of any enterprise.

The course "Financial Management" provides an opportunity to understand the issues of setting and using the main financial management tools, to study the functions and mechanisms of financial management, its basic concepts; management of circulating and non-circulating assets of the enterprise; management of equity and equity capital, as well as real investments and cash flows of the enterprise.

The course is intended for students who want to improve their professional qualifications. For heads of financial and economic services, financial directors, improving knowledge in this area is essential. Successful completion of the course will allow you to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills in the field of financial management and effectively apply them in practice.

The course was developed under the guidance of Sergei Alexandrovich Sholokhov - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics, ANO VO Institute of Economics and Management in Industry.

Outcome document
Incl. 20 % TAX

The course plays a leading role in the professional activities of specialists and managers on financial issues of the organization.

Course content:
• Theoretical aspects of financial management
• Methodological tools for financial management
• Management of non-current assets of an enterprise
• Management of current assets of an enterprise < br /> • Management of the company's equity capital
• Management of the company's equity capital
• Management of real investments
• Cash flow management

When implementing an additional professional program, distance learning technologies (case-learning), e-learning, implemented through online forms, are used.
Listeners are provided with access to the course materials for 90 days.

In the course of training, all participants receive free access to the IPRBook Electronic Library System and the YURAYT Electronic Library, as well as to the Consultant Plus Help System.

After completing the course, based on the test results, a Qualification certificate and a Certificate of advanced training of the established form are issued.