• Russian (Russia)
  • English



Organization and regulation of labor

Organization and regulation of labor

4300.00 RUB
8600.00 RUB


Due to the change in the place and role of workers and employers in the system of industrial relations, significant changes are required in the technical equipment of production, labor organization and management, as well as in the formation of labor relations at enterprises. For the organization of production, an entrepreneur must acquire not only means of production and skilled labor, but also ensure their rational use, in order to minimize the cost of production and make a profit.

The course "Organization and regulation of labor" plays a leading role in the professional training of specialists in the field of financial, economic and management activities.

Persons with higher education or secondary vocational education, as well as additional vocational education are allowed to master this additional professional program.

Category of listeners:

  • employees of economic, financial and other services of organizations of various industries, spheres and forms of ownership;
  • heads of financial, economic and administrative departments;
  • graduates of economic and financial specialties seeking to acquire up-to-date knowledge.

The course was developed under the guidance of A.N. Bogatko - candidate of economic sciences, expert of the Committee of the State Program "Digital Industry 4.0" of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

Outcome document
Incl. 20 % TAX

Course content:

  • Concept, content and role of labor organization
  • Working conditions. Work and rest mode
  • Organization of work processes
  • Fundamentals of the scientific organization of labor
  • Labor rationing
  • Theoretical foundations of the organization of remuneration at the enterprise

When implementing an additional professional program, distance educational technologies (case training), e-learning, implemented through online forms, are used.
Listeners are provided with access to the course materials for 180 days.

In the course of training, all participants receive free access to the IPRBook Electronic Library System and the YURAYT Electronic Library, as well as to the Consultant Plus Help System.

After completing the course, based on the test results, a Qualification certificate and a Certificate of advanced training of the established form are issued.